hevm symbolic

Usage: hevm symbolic [--code TEXT] [--code-file STRING] [--calldata TEXT] [--address ADDR]
                     [--caller ADDR] [--origin ADDR] [--coinbase ADDR]
                     [--value W256] [--nonce WORD64] [--gas WORD64]
                     [--number W256] [--timestamp W256] [--basefee W256] ...

Run a symbolic execution against the given parameters, searching for assertion violations. For a full listing of options, see hevm symbolic --help. For common options, see here.

Counterexamples are returned for any reachable assertion violations. Where an assertion violation is defined as either an execution of the invalid opcode (0xfe), or a revert with a message of the form abi.encodeWithSelector('Panic(uint256)', errCode) with errCode being one of the predefined solc assertion codes defined here.

Arithmetic overflow

By default hevm ignores assertion violations that result from arithmetic overflow (Panic(0x11)), although this behaviour can be customised via the --assertions flag. For example, the following will return counterexamples for arithmetic overflow (0x11) and user defined assertions (0x01):

hevm symbolic --code $CODE --assertions '[0x01, 0x11]'

The default value for calldata and caller are symbolic values, but can be specialized to concrete functions with their corresponding flags.

Specializing calldata

One can also specialize specific arguments to a function signature, while leaving others abstract. If --sig is given, calldata is assumed to be of the form suggested by the function signature. With this flag, specific arguments can be instantiated to concrete values via the --arg flag.

This is best illustrated through a few examples:

Calldata specialized to the bytestring 0xa9059cbb followed by 64 symbolic bytes:

hevm symbolic --sig "transfer(address,uint256)" --code $(<dstoken.bin-runtime)

Calldata specialized to the bytestring 0xa9059cbb0000000000000000000000007cfa93148b0b13d88c1dce8880bd4e175fb0dedf followed by 32 symbolic bytes.

hevm symbolic --sig "transfer(address,uint256)" --arg 0x7cFA93148B0B13d88c1DcE8880bd4e175fb0DeDF --code $(<dstoken.bin-runtime)

Calldata specialized to the bytestring 0xa9059cbb followed by 32 symbolic bytes, followed by the bytestring 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:

hevm symbolic --sig "transfer(address,uint256)" --arg "<symbolic>" --arg 0 --code $(<dstoken.bin-runtime)

If the --get-models flag is given, example input values will be returned for each possible execution path. This can be useful for automatic test case generation.

The default timeout for SMT queries is no timeout. If your program is taking longer than a couple of minutes to run, you can experiment with configuring the timeout to somewhere around 10s by doing --smttimeout 10000


Storage can be initialized in two ways:

  • Empty: all storage slots for all contracts are initialized to zero
  • Abstract: all storage slots are initialized as unconstrained abstract values

Exploration strategy

hevm uses an eager approach for symbolic execution, meaning that it will first attempt to explore all branches in the program (without querying the smt solver to check if they are reachable or not). Once the full execution tree has been explored, the postcondition is checked against all leaves, and the solver is invoked to check reachability for branches where a postcondition violation could occur. While our tests have shown this approach to be significantly faster, when applied without limits it would always result in infinite exploration of code involving loops, so after some predefined number of iterations (controlled by the --ask-smt-iterations flag), the solver will be invoked to check whether a given loop branch is reachable. In cases where the number of loop iterations is known in advance, you may be able to speed up execution by setting this flag to an appropriate value.

Further reading

For a tutorial on symbolic execution with hevm, see the the page here. An older blog post on symbolic execution with hevm can be found here.