Limitations and Workarounds

Symbolic execution in general, and hevm in particular, have a number of known limitations. Many of these limitations can be worked around without too much effort. This document describes some of the most common limitations and workarounds.

Loops and recursion

The most important issue related to symbolic execution is to do with loops and recursion. For example, the following code is hard to deal with in a symbolic context:

function loop(uint n) {
  for(uint i = 0; i < n; i++) {

When such a function is called, and n is a symbolic parameter (e.g. parameter to a function prove_, such as prove_correct(uint n)), hevm would need to create a new execution path for each potential value of n, which can be very large. The same principle applies to recursion, where the depth of the recursion may be unbounded or bounded only by a potentially very large number.

Hence, hevm only explores loops and recursions up to fixed depth k, a parameter that can be adjusted from the command line via the --max-iterations k parameter. Whenever the limit is hit, hevm warns of the incomplete exploration:

WARNING: hevm was only able to partially explore the call prefix 0x[...] due to the following issue(s):
  - Max Iterations Reached in contract: 0x[...] pc: [...]

In general, the workaround suggested is to try to write code without loops, if possible, or to have a limit on the number of iterations. For example, by using max(k,n) instead of n in the loop condition, where k is a fixed number. Unbounded loops are a problem for digital contracts, as they may be forced by an attacker to exhaust gas, thereby potentially e.g. deadlocking the contract. This can lock in (large) funds, which can be a very serious issue. Hence, limiting loop iterations is a good practice in general -- not only for symbolic execution.

Best Practices:

  • Try to write code without loops, if possible.
  • Use max(k,n) instead of n in the loop condition, where k is a fixed number.
  • Avoid unbounded loops to prevent potential gas exhaustion attacks

Gas costs

Gas is hard to symbolically track, due to certain opcodes, such as SLOAD, having different cost depending on the parameters to the opcode. Many symbolic execution systems, including hevm, solve this by not fully tracking gas. This means that hevm may report that an assertion failure can occur through a particular execution trace, but that trace would cost more to execute than the allowable gas limit.

In general, it is possible to check whether the issue can be hit by running the hevm-provided counterexample in a concrete execution setting, thereby filtering out false positives. However, it is strongly advisable to fix potential issues that are only guarded due to gas exhaustion, as they may become exploitable in the future, when gas costs change.

Best Practices:

  • Don't rely on gas exhaustion as a security mechanism.
  • Check potential issues by running the hevm-provided counterexample in a concrete execution setting.

Symbolic arguments to certain EVM opcodes

When a symbolic argument is passed to an EVM opcode that hevm cannot deal with symbolically, an error is raised. There are number of such EVM opcodes, for example JUMP, JUMPI, CALL, CALLCODE, DELEGATECALL, STATICCALL, CREATE, CREATE2, SELFDESTRUCT, etc. If any of these are called with an argument that is symbolic, hevm raises an error, such as:

WARNING: hevm was only able to partially explore the call prefix 0x[...] due to the following issue(s):
  - Attempting to transfer eth to a symbolic address that is not present in the state

There is no single workaround for this class of issues, as it depends on the specific circumstances of the code. In general, we suggest trying to concretize the call to the code, such that only what is truly needed to be symbolic is left symbolic. For example, you may be able to force partial concrete execution via require() statements, thereby concretizing the potential symbolic value. Similarly, dynamically computed JUMP destinations can be avoided via pre-computed jump tables, etc.

Best Practices:

  • Use require() statements to concretize symbolic values
  • Avoid dynamically computed jumps -- use pre-computed jump-tables, if neccesary

Jumping into symbolic code

Jumping into symbolic code is not supported by hevm. This can happen when, e.g. a function creates a contract based on a symbolic value, and then jumps into the code of that contract. In these cases, you will get a warning like the following:

WARNING: hevm was only able to partially explore the call prefix 0x[...] due to the following issue(s):
  - Encountered a jump into a potentially symbolic code region while executing initcode. pc: [...] jump dst: [...]

For these cases, we suggest concretizing the call that creates the contract, such that the bytecode created and later jumped to, is not symbolic.